TIBCTransaction class overview.
Name | Description |
Active |
Determines if the transaction is active or not.
Connections |
Used to specify a connection for the given index.
ConnectionsCount |
Used to get the number of connections associated with the transaction component.
DefaultCloseAction |
Used to specify the transaction behaviour when connection closes.
DefaultConnection |
Used to access the default connection of the transaction.
Handle |
Used to specify the handle of the transaction.
IsolationLevel |
Used to get or set the transaction isolation level and access mode.
Params |
Used to access transaction parameters of the transaction parameter buffer.
Name | Description |
AddConnection |
Binds a TCustomDAConnection object with the transaction component.
Commit |
Stores all changes of data associated with the transaction to the database server permanently.
CommitRetaining |
Stores to the database server all changes of data associated with the transaction permanently and then retains the transaction context.
FindDefaultConnection |
Returns the default connection for the transaction.
ReleaseSavepoint |
Destroyes the specified savepoint without affecting any work that has been performed after its creation.
RemoveConnection |
Disassociates the specified connections from the transaction.
Rollback |
Rolls back all changes of data associated with the transaction.
RollbackRetaining |
Rolls back all data changes associated with the transaction and retains the transaction context.
RollbackSavepoint |
Cancels all updates for the current transaction and restores its state up to the moment of the last defined savepoint.
StartSavepoint |
Defines a point in the transaction to which you can roll back later.
StartTransaction (inherited from TDATransaction) |
Begins a new transaction.
Name | Description |
OnCommit (inherited from TDATransaction) |
Occurs after the transaction has been successfully committed.
OnCommitRetaining (inherited from TDATransaction) |
Occurs after CommitRetaining has been executed.
OnError |
Occurs when processing errors that are raised during executing transaction and savepoint control statements such as COMMIT, ROLLBACK, SAVEPOINT, RELEASE SAVEPOINT and others.
OnRollback (inherited from TDATransaction) |
Occurs after the transaction has been successfully rolled back.
OnRollbackRetaining (inherited from TDATransaction) |
Occurs after RollbackRetaining has been executed.